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Dr Yiannis Mavrommatis

Programme Director MSc Nutrition and Genetics View website

St Marys University

Established in 1850 and with a deep heritage in education, St Mary’s has a strong reputation for teaching excellence and a student-centred approach. Currently, the university comprises four academic departments:

  • Institute of Business, Law and Society
  • Institute of Education
  • Faculty of Sport, Allied Health and Performance Science
  • Institute of Theology and Liberal Arts

Our key priorities are to:

  • enhance our students’ learning and personal development
  • intensify interdisciplinary research and scholarship to create and disseminate new knowledge
  • produce an enterprise culture
  • foster a supportive learning environment for our students and staff
  • continuously improve our operations to ensure a sustainable future
  • modernise our approach to learning and technology to improve student and staff experience, and better support distance learning and research

In relation to the university’s engagement strategy, we aim to raise the profile of St Mary’s at a national and global level as a University with an active role in the ‘public square’, contributing to the national conversation and helping to shape public policy.

As a Catholic University in one of the world’s most diverse cities, we pride ourselves on being distinctive by fostering a powerful sense of community and adopting a holistic approach to public policy debate. This gives us a unique perspective to bring to national debate and to international issues. Capitalising on our fine reputation in education and sport, St Mary’s is now projecting its voice much further to become known nationally and internationally for our brand and distinctiveness.

Our Research and Enterprise strategy is based on the following key objectives:

  • Raise funds from our network of alumni, foundations, corporations and those sharing our values and ambitions;
  • Forge further long-term strategic partnerships to extend St Mary’s research and influence as well as to position the University for joint ventures and contract research;
  • Develop an institutional capacity to scope and deliver new initiatives;
  • Establish ourselves at the heart of our local community, partnering with local authorities;
  • Engage with local, national and international business and industry through services provided by St Mary’s specialist staff thereby increasing knowledge exchange, building research impact, and diversifying the University’s income streams;
  • Grow world leading research centres in line with the University’s core mission;
  • Grow the number of our visiting professors and make full use of them to increase global interest in St Mary’s;
  • Introduce two new career tracks – Teaching & Scholarship and Enterprise; and Expand the University’s research culture.
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