About us
UPEN is a voluntary-led network of UK universities and knowledge brokers. We provide a one stop shop for universities and policy organisations to access opportunities to strengthen evidence-informed policy making.
Our members
Our mission
UPEN’s mission is to facilitate a connective and collaborative ecosystem to strengthen the use of academic research in public policy.

Our story
Today our network has grown to over 110 UK universities representing ⅔ of UK Universities across all nations, and has become a key space for knowledge and relationship brokerage in the UK.

Why become a member
As a UPEN member, you’ll have access to our events programme, our weekly newsletter, and dedicated bespoke support and knowledge from a network of experts leading UPEN.
UPEN Members contribute their expertise, energy and their time through their involvement with our sub-committees, events programme, and UPEN projects.
How we’re funded
UPEN is funded primarily through member donations. These contributions cover staffing, expenses, and events.
The UPEN Network Manager is the only paid member of staff (part time).
See our latest financial breakdown in 2023.
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Meet our team
All the UPEN team are professional or academic staff from member universities. Heading up the team are 3 Co-Chairs, 6 Vice-Chairs, an Executive Committee made up of Sub-Committee Co-Chairs, and a paid Network Manager.
UPEN is currently hosted by University College London, University of York, and University of Leeds.

Sarah Chaytor
UPEN Co-ChairSarah Chaytor is Director of Strategy & Policy for UCL Research, Innovation & Global Engagement.
She was a co-founder and is currently co-Chair of UPEN, the Universities Policy Engagement Network; leads the £10 million Capabilities in Academic-Policy Engagement project; and is Strategic Engagement Director for the International Public Policy Observatory. She is also a Co-Director of the Research on Research Institute.
She works closely with the Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation and Global Engagement) on the strategic management of UCL’s research agenda and the coordination of activities across the portfolio. She has a particular focus on external stakeholder engagement and research policy, as well as institutional strategic initiatives. Sarah established and oversees UCL’s flagship academic-policy engagement initiative, UCL Public Policy, to connect UCL research to public policymaking.
Prior to joining UCL, Sarah worked in policy roles with the Russell Group, the Wellcome Trust and Universities UK, as a parliamentary researcher, and for a think tank.

Dr Chris Hewson
UPEN Co-chairChris studied Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge, and took his PhD in Sociology at Lancaster University. His PhD examined the development of community radio and television services in the face of social and regulatory change. Chris stepped into the newly created role of Social Sciences Research Impact Manager in March 2017, having previously worked in impact support roles at the Universities of Manchester and Salford. He can be found on Twitter @c_d_hewson.
Chris provides expert assistance to York’s social sciences departments regarding all aspects of research impact, including but not limited to funding and the REF. He also manages the Economic and Social Research Council Impact Accelerator Account (the York ESRC IAA). He is always keen to hear from organisations and groups interested in collaborating with the University’s social science researchers.
Chris has also been co-chair of UPEN’s Professional Development Sub-Committee.

Professor Andrew Brown
UPEN Co-chairAndrew Brown is Professor of Economics and Political Economy at Leeds University Business School. He is Academic Director of the Yorkshire and Humber Policy Engagement and Research Network (Y-PERN, funded by Research England). He has led interdisciplinary economics research in a wide range of funded projects, working closely with public and private sector stakeholders, for example, with HM Treasury on Green Book valuation of infrastructure and of nature. His has published on circular economy; sustainable and resilient infrastructure and industry; value and wellbeing; financialisation; and the methodology and philosophy of interdisciplinary science.

Laura Bea
UPEN Network ManagerLaura is currently the Network Manager for the Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN), Co-Chair and co-creator of the Arts and Humanities Sub-Committee, and co-chair of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub Committee (UPEN). They are a former Specialist Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy Officer for Public Policy, Southampton, and they are now doing a SCDTP ESRC PhD at the University of Southampton on the role of fiction a form of evidence within public policy around gender based violence.

Jade Harris
Communications and Events Policy OfficerJade is the Communications and Events Policy Officer at UPEN, a role she has balanced alongside completing an MA in Social Anthropology at SOAS, with an focus on diasporas and their cultural politics, sustainable ecologies and the climate change.

Des McNulty
UPEN Vice ChairDes McNulty helped set up Policy Scotland at the University of Glasgow and was one of the earliest members of UPEN. He became Dean for Public Policy in 2016 and was then appointed as Assistant Vice Principal in 2017, responsible for civic engagement and place leadership. After stepping down from his AVP role is 2021, he maintains his connection with the University of Glasgow as Honorary Fellow, Civic Partnership and Place Leadership.

Gareth Giles
UPEN Vice ChairGiles (as he is known to all) brings more than a decade’s worth of experience working between central and local government and the higher education sector. In his current role is responsible for the strategic direction of PPS, financial sustainability of the team and internal and external stakeholder management. Giles is currently working on policy engagement culture change within the University specifically focusing on developing mechanisms that support and celebrate the successes of our diverse range of world leading Early Career Researchers.

Kayleigh Renberg-Fawcett
UPEN Vice ChairKayleigh Renberg-Fawcett is the UCL Coordinator on the Research England funded Capabilities in Academic-Policy Engagement (CAPE) project. Previously, Kayleigh was the Network Manager at UPEN and was a co-chair of the EDI Sub-Committee. She was also Director of the China-Britain Football Centre, which connected young people in the UK and China through football and worked on the University of Nottingham’s Asia Research Institute and Institute for Policy and Engagement.

Nicola Buckley
UPEN Vice ChairNicola has led the Policy Fellowships team at the Centre for Science and Policy at the University of Cambridge since 2016, responsible for a programme for around a hundred Policy Fellows active each year, matching policy officials to relevant academics, and developing interactions with other universities. She is the Cambridge lead for the Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement project (CAPE). Nicola is also on secondment for 4 days per week to the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology from July 2022 for a year, to work with select committees on generating Areas of Research Interest. She will retain her role at CSaP for 1 day per week and her role with UPEN during this period. Previously, Nicola was the Head of Public Engagement at the University of Cambridge when she managed the annual Cambridge Science Festival and set up and managed the Festival of Ideas. Prior to that, Nicola worked as Fundraising Manager within three charities. Nicola has an MA in History and an MPhil in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge, and an MSc in Science and Society from the Open University.

Prof Arlene Holmes-Henderson
UPEN Vice ChairArlene Holmes-Henderson is Professor of Classics Education and Public Policy at Durham University where she holds a British Academy Innovation Fellowship (2022-2024). She investigates the learning and teaching of classical subjects in schools, universities and communities. Arlene chairs an expert panel at the Department for Education and acts as expert advisor to policymakers across government and parliament on topics concerning education, history, languages, migration, economy and communication. Working at the intersection of research, policy and practice, Arlene acts as a national champion for policy engagement with Arts and Humanities research.

Hannah Durrant
UPEN Vice ChairHannah is Senior Research Fellow at the Wales Centre for Public Policy, Cardiff University. Her research focuses on the politics, processes and practices of knowledge production and mobilisation and the role and impact of research evidence and expertise in policymaking. She leads the Centre’s programme of work on loneliness and the role of communities and digital technologies in enabling social connection and enhancing wellbeing.