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Sarah Priston

Head of Research Support View website

Bath Spa University

Bath Spa is an innovative and resourceful University with roots in the synergies between employers and creativity that are the drivers of sustainable economic development. We pride ourselves on our sense of community and our nurturing ethos.

Our excellent research is novel and crosses disciplines; we value both making and the links between thinking and doing. We welcome the diversity of our students, and their multiple narratives, and we are a place where students change their lives and change the world.

In the next decade we will apply our skills to global challenges and local opportunities, we will focus as one community able to harness all of our strengths and capabilities, and while looking outwards we will be rooted in Bath, essential to the city and the region.

We have active partnerships and work with employers, cultural organisations, academics and alumni to:

  • foster economic and cultural development (local, regional, international)
  • improve our student learning and graduate outcomes
  • ensure that our work is relevant, useful and needed.

Our collaborative approach includes:

  • Employer and enterprise partnerships – with industries, SMEs, unitary authorities, local and regional government and business leaders. We contribute to economic growth and development, and work closely with employers in the design of our degrees and in our research and creative endeavours.
  • Academic partnerships – with schools, colleges, universities and other centres of learning, in order to share best practice, to develop talent pipelines, to explore best practice and to capitalise on emerging educational opportunities.
  • Cultural and creative partnerships – with museums, galleries, festivals, creative sector bodies, individuals within cultural and creative industries, to optimise our creative reach and the possibilities afforded to our staff and students.
  • Alumni engagement – to ensure that our community is lifelong and that our students and graduates benefit from this continued engagement with Bath Spa University.
  • International networks, to optimise our impact, in our research and in our creative work, through our staff and for our students. In a global world, we aim to be globally aware and globally connected.
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