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Neil Heckels

Senior Policy Engagement Manager

Lisa Hodgson

Impact and Engagement Officer View website

Durham University

Durham University, founded in 1832, is England’s third oldest university. At its heart sits the medieval world heritage site of Durham Cathedral and Castle. The University has inherited a continuous line of learning and scholarship dating from the greatest European scholar of the seventh century, Bede, to the present day. The University now comprises 25 departments across three faculties and employs over 4,000 staff FTE (full-time equivalent) and around 18,000 students with 30% of staff and 21% of students of non-UK origin. There are currently 16 colleges, though this is set to increase. Students benefit from the strong collegiate nature of the University, combining rigorous hard work on their degree courses with a strong commitment to activities outside the curriculum. The colleges are a great source of friendship, well-being, pastoral and scholarly support.

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