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Matthew Byng

Policy Officer, Vice-Chancellor's Office View website

Coventry University

Coventry University is one of the country’s leading modern universities with a robust academic presence regionally, nationally and across the world. Our innovative and forward thinking approach is driven by the enthusiasm of over 30,000 students, 2400 academic staff and 2000 professional services staff.

The University has always been industry focused and continues to do so as it aligns with the Industrial Strategy and its initiatives for the benefit of the regional and national economy. Meanwhile, as an innovative, enterprising and entrepreneurial university group, Coventry University is business engaged – developing strategic level collaboration with businesses on a local, national and global scale.

The University’s research activities span five faculties and fourteen research centres, where we support the growth of challenge led multidisciplinary research that strives to effect change in the wider world. Tangible impact is delivered by incorporating teaching, addressing social challenges and fostering collaboration with places of excellence, through a focus on a range of real-world issues that sit under five key themes:

Health & Wellbeing

Achieving good health and wellbeing for all is essential to achieving social justice – research activities include: work with children with developmental disorders to create learning programmes, ensuring they have the best chances in life. Meanwhile, our internationally leading and groundbreaking research looks at mental health and the risk of suicidality among people on the autism spectrum.

Sustainability & Resilience

Our research helps communities and habitats to shore up and regenerate themselves by engaging with citizens, with businesses and with technology. For example, through critical conservation work to protect bee populations; and collaboration on research with businesses in the rail sector to improve the infrastructure that millions of commuters rely on.

Safety & Security

Our researchers respond to the safety and security challenges we’re confronted with in modern society, for example: research into the Mediterranean migration crisis helps policymakers and the public understand the plight of refugees; meanwhile, our cybersecurity researchers pioneer cutting-edge ways to keep us and our critical infrastructure safe from sophisticated online attacks.

Intelligent products and processes

University researchers harness the latest science and technology to pioneer new and more intelligent ways of doing things, for example: Microcab hydrogen fuel cell cars, designed and built on campus, are pushing the boundaries of low carbon vehicle development. Meanwhile, our manufacturing and engineering experts are working with industry to save weight in automotive systems.

Creative Cultures

Recognising the economic impact of the UK’s creative sector, our creative minds are helping to support a sector steeped in culture and heritage, for example: world-leading expertise in vehicle innovation and styling informs the National Centre for Transport Design in Coventry in support of the UK automotive and design sectors. Further, research into how digital environments can be exploited is opening up new opportunities for cultural institutions to share their content with the world.

The above represents just a small sample of the world-leading work being undertaken across Coventry University.

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