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Dr Jackie Reynolds

Research Impact Manager View website

Staffordshire University

Staffordshire University is aiming to be the UK’s foremost digital higher education institution. The University employs circa 1,450 staff across our campuses at Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford, Shrewsbury and London with over 20,000 students studying our courses internationally. As the largest university in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire by student numbers, Staffordshire University has a significant economic footprint both locally and across our region, supporting an estimated 2,750 FTE jobs and �120 million gross value added (GVA) across the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SSLEP) area. This is a result of our University’s role as a large local employer, purchaser and attractor of students and visitors to the area. We have three academic schools: School of Digital Technologies and the Arts, Schools of Health, Science and Wellbeing, School of Justice, Security and Sustainability. These schools are supported by an Institute of Education and Staffordshire University London.

Staffordshire University London Digital Institute opened in September 2019, our first campus outside the Midlands, delivering cyber, Esports and games design courses. This provided an exciting opportunity to extend our reach, nationally and internationally, in our flagship courses in line with our Computing heritage and digital emphasis. Our �42M Catalyst building at the Stoke Campus and �5.8M Centre for Health Innovation at Stafford both open in 2022. These state-of-the-art facilities support our apprenticeship and Civic Community agenda and provide sector-leading clinical simulation and immersion suites.The Connected University

Our University aims to be an ‘intellectual hub’ for the communities it serves. A high proportion of on-campus students are non-traditional, disadvantaged, or local. Civic engagement is well embedded in our strategic plan, recognising the communities we serve and how we can work in partnership to face and overcome established and fundamental socioeconomic challenges. Our Connected University strategic plan incorporates the core strategies of connected communities, innovative and applied learning, and talented people.Our Research

The University is deeply involved in meeting local workforce, industry, and sector challenges. The regional context has shaped the University’s research specialisms and emphasis on applied research. 78 per cent of our research is world leading or of international importance (Research Excellence Framework 2014). Our interdisciplinary network of research centres drive the publication of hundreds of papers each year.

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