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Categories: Blogs

  • Why should anyone listen to us?

    September 14th, 2020
  • Prevention is better than cure: avoiding future pandemics

    August 31st, 2020
  • Navigating the seas of knowledge exchange

    August 26th, 2020
  • Resilience, agility and value-based health care

    August 14th, 2020
  • Harnessing hydrogen fuel for a green and industrial recovery

    August 11th, 2020
  • Energy-PIECES: providing policy secondments for early career researchers

    August 9th, 2020
  • How UPEN can support Universities and Government’s Areas of Research Interest

    July 23rd, 2020
  • Universities and the recovery of local communities from the Covid-19 Crisis: A role for the social sciences

    July 6th, 2020
  • Awkward sandwiches and melting snowballs

    June 29th, 2020
  • Imperial College London’s The Forum: Policy engagement during the pandemic

    June 22nd, 2020