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Categories: Blogs

  • Ten lessons for policy engagement

    April 9th, 2019
  • Understanding street gangs and youth violence

    April 4th, 2019
  • Making space for new models of academic-policy engagement

    April 2nd, 2019
  • A new dawn in evidence informed policy?

    March 28th, 2019
  • Of Mice and MPs: a year of engaging with Parliament

    March 26th, 2019
  • It’s not all plain sailing: providing navigation on Post-Brexit trade policy

    March 21st, 2019
  • Public Policy|Southampton the journey so far

    March 19th, 2019
  • Third mission accomplished? Why are universities bad at engaging with local and regional government and what we can do about it.

    March 14th, 2019
  • Human skills will always be needed in a technological age

    March 7th, 2019
  • Over 10,000 problem solvers at your disposal

    February 25th, 2019