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Categories: Blogs

  • Reflections on my first UPEN Conference

    June 28th, 2023
  • The future of knowledge mobilisation…is bright (if a bit white)

    June 20th, 2023
  • The role of networking and relationships in your policy engagement journey

    June 20th, 2023
  • The ‘evidence mosaic’: helping parliamentary committees understand complex issues through Areas of Research Interest

    June 7th, 2023
  • Using a 360-perspective policy-messaging approach to maximise awareness, interest and action!

    May 31st, 2023
  • From research evidence to policy change; the long and winding road

    May 24th, 2023
  • Taking ARIs north of the border

    May 3rd, 2023
  • Engaging UK Parliament with Climate and Environmental Research

    April 19th, 2023
  • Evidence: from engagement to impact

    February 3rd, 2023
  • Advising government: navigating complex and fast-paced policy environments

    January 24th, 2023