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28 April 2020, 4:28 UTC Share

PODCAST: Stephen Meek talks academic-policy engagement with the Foundation for Science and Technology

Stephen Meek, UPEN’s Chair (2019-20) and Director for the Institute for Policy and Engagement at the University of Nottingham, recently spoke with Gavin Costigan, Chief Executive of the Foundation for Science and Technology (and last year’s UPEN Chair).

The podcast overviews how universities are supporting their academics engage with policy makers, the skills and experiences needed for policy brokerage, the Universities Policy Engagement Network, and the skills needed by civil servants to engage with academics.

The Foundation for Science and Technology is a non-profit organisation which provides a neutral platform that aims to bring individuals together from government, research and industry to discuss policy issues related to science, technology and health. For more podcasts, blogs and information on the Foundation’s work, visit their website.

Listen to the podcast here:

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