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30 April 2019, 3:29 UTC Share

Future of social science – insights, opportunities and expectations

Research funding is going through a period of rapid change, including the introduction of a number of significant new research funds. The content in this section provides information on these changes and the funding opportunities for social science research to make a contribution to society. It is designed to help you navigate new UKRI funding streams and explain how you can get involved with them.

There are a number of large UKRI funds that offer significant opportunities for social science. These opportunities often have relatively short deadlines and may require researchers to work in new and agile ways. It’s vital that the social science community is ready to respond effectively when relevant opportunities are announced.

There are high expectations for what social science can contribute to our prosperity, security and wellbeing as part of delivering UKRI’s vision. Our Executive Chair, Jennifer Rubin, provides some further information on this:
UK Research and Innovation and the future of the social sciences

Changing context

Changes to the funding landscape, with the addition of new funds, are providing valuable new opportunities for social science research. It’s vital that social scientists have a good understanding of these changes so that they can exploit new opportunities as they arise.
The changing context of research funding

Strategic developments

There are a number of ESRC strategic developments that help underpin our capability and funding. Our current strategic developments include:
Research infrastructure
Leadership – Fit for the Future

Specific opportunities

Find out about specific UKRI funds and how you can apply for them:
Global Challenges Research Fund
Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
Newton Fund
Talent Fund

We will also continue to provide funding opportunities through our core funding initiatives:
ESRC core funding

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